Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Farewell Dublin

So on our last day in Dublin, we had a class session, went and visited the Yeats Exhibition, which I am sad to say I am not a huge fan of, and I feel like me seeing it was wasted because of that fact, but oh well, at least I can say I saw it. After that we got to meet Mickey Dunne, a man who makes Uilleann Pipes, better known as Irish Bagpipes. Watching him play live was incredible. Don’t believe me? Watch, weep, and be envious that I was there, and you were not:

He also did a few didleys on the Tin whistle, which once again, low and behold:

After meeting this incredible Irishman, I really want to learn to play an instrument again…just not those pipes, which apparently cost 10,000-12,000 euros, and I shall leave the conversion up to you, but I will tell you now, it is not pretty.

We were free for the rest of the day after that and I went to Brewley’s with the rest of the group, then went and had one last Jack & Coke slushy, came back here and am typing this.

I would like to touch on a few things before ending this blog that I learned in this nice touristy town:

  • I watched a few shitty punker’s attempts to play instruments and earn money for it, and if you are going to do that, do NOT pick Alice in Chains, one of my favorite bands. Secondly to NOT change the lyrics around because you fail to hit the notes effectively, just do not sing the song, sing something else, or better yet, nothing at all!
  • Phrase I need to start saying: “You’re about as safe as a house on fire!”
  • Ice cream in this country is made fresh everyday unlike in America, and it is phenomenal! I would move here solely based on that.
  • McDonalds taste the same as in America
  • Burger King kicks even more ass here! I did not think it was possible!

Those things being said, farewell Dublin, you’ve been swell….well not really, but the booze helped significantly!

