Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Sense A Disturbance in The Force...

Tonight’s Irish prep movie actually came as quite a surprise. Michael Collins (1996) is based on the aftermath after the Easter Rising in Ireland after 1916. Michael Collins, who is played by Liam Neeson (aka Qui-Gon Jinn), is a revolutionary leader who trains his soldiers to fight using guerilla war tactics and is the shit at it! The only thing possibly making him more badass in this film is if he had a lightsaber and force push.

There are a lot of explosions, cool accents, violence and overall good action scenes. I highly recommend this movie for people who like movies such as Braveheart, because though there are not any axes, they have badass hats.

To end the night, I think a song about a bunch of sailors dying and only the drunken idiot is the survivor…and that poor dog…

May the force be with you.



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